Use Project-GC to show archived caches on a map
Show archived
The website offers many searches of geocaches.
A frequently asked question is "How do I show archived caches on a map?". The "Map Compare" feature can do this.
On, go to Tools > Map Compare.
Adjust the filters at the top of the page as you wish
Choose "Show Disabled/Archived" from the menu beside "Add Filter".
Check the box beside "Archived"
Click on the "Filter" button in the lower right.
This will display both active and archived caches. Archived caches have an icon with a line through it.
Here is a link to an example, showing all caches, including archived ones, in Richmond County, NS:®ion=Nova+Scotia&county=Richmond&nonefound=on&onefound=on&bothfound=on&ownfound=on&showarchived=on&submit=Filter
Show only archived
Paying members can additionally create custom filters that will show only archived caches. Here's how:
Step 1: make the custom filter
Go to the website
Click on your username in the upper right corner and choose "Custom filters"
Click "New"
Click "Add" in the right of the Statements section
Scroll down and check the box beside "Archived only"
Click on "Add statements"
Click on "Add to filter"
If you wish, change the filter name
Click on "Save"
Step 2: Use your new filter in "Map Compare"
On, go to Tools > Map Compare.
Adjust the filters at the top of the page as you wish
Choose "Show Disabled/Archived" from the menu beside "Add Filter".
Check the box beside "Archived"
(new part) Choose "Custom filter" from the pulldown menu beside "Add filter"
(new part) A "Custom filter" section will appear above "Add filter". Choose your new filter from the pulldown.
Click on the "Filter" button in the lower right.