About the ANSG

The ANSG is a registered provincial not-for-profit association in Nova Scotia.  Our goals are to promote Nova Scotia as a geocaching destination, and to educate the public about safe, ethical, and drama-free geocaching.  Any geocacher whose primary residence is in Nova Scotia is considered a member of the Association.

The ANSG has:

Feel free to email us for more information:  info@nsgeocaching.com 

If you have comments, suggestions or feedback on this website, contact Hugh Chipman (juniorwoodchuckhuey) via hugh@nsgeocaching.com .

Your ANSG executive (as of May 2024):

To contact the executive, you can email executive@nsgeocaching.com .

Previous Executive:

* founding members 

Other individuals assisting the ANSG:

Former ANSG helpers:

Minutes of Annual Meetings:

Sponsorship Policy (June, 2018): (link to pdf)

By-Laws: (link to pdf)