Other caches of interest
Multi Explosion (MEX) - 81 grid of multis list | map
December Dash (2021) contest: pdf
Fall Favorites: FF2023 search and map | FF 2022 list and map | FF2021 caches and map | All previous FF caches: map and list | (link to facebook group (closed group))
Active challenge caches in NS (bookmark link | map | search on geocaching website)
Top 100 Lonely caches in NS: bookmark | map | direct link to project-gc query used to generate these caches
loneliness = number of days since hidden/ number of finds = average number of days between finds
the above list has largest values of "loneliness"
Maritimes Loneliest geocaches - a curated list (bookmark link | map)
Top 100 days since last found: bookmark | map
Enfield Gadget Trail: bookmark | map
Nova Scotia Firehalls, a series by DND.Fireman : bookmark | map
Uncommon Common Art: art site | all caches 2015 - 2019
There are over 22,000 geocaches in Nova Scotia! Below are some searches that can help you decide where to start your search (log into your geocaching.com account first).
NS geocaches: with most favorites | oldest | newest first, including events
NS wherigo
NS "chirp" geocaches (what is Chirp? See a youtube video explaining: https://youtu.be/irMgTLbYP-g ) (Note: this search shows all caches with "Wireless receiver required" attribute)
all NS events
All 20th anniversary NS events (included in above events link also)
Most recent in NS
Listings of NS geocaches at project-gc.com (requires geocaching account)
Highest percentage of favorites
highest wilson score for percentage of favorites